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Welcome to the Florida Continuous Improvement Management System (CIMS) website. This website provides the public, as well as district and school leaders, access to Strategic Improvement resources in the following areas:
Public Access
Click here to access
published Schoolwide
Improvement Plans
and Mental Health Plans
from 2013-14 to 2023-24
School Improvement
- School Improvement Plans
- Rule, Forms, Lists of schools
- Summer Institute
- Rule, Forms, School Improvement Support List
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Support Lists
- Funding Opportunities: Unified School Improvement Grant (UniSIG), Supplemental Teacher and Administrator Allocation (STAA) and Supplemental School Improvement Grant
- Timeline
- School Advisory Council
K12 ESEA Federal Programs
- Common Federal Guidance
- Program Resources
Value-Added Model (VAM)
- Visualization Tool
- District and State Averages
CIMS Technical Assistance
- User Management Guide

For Further
Please Contact
Please Contact
Email: BSI@fldoe.org
Phone: 850-245-0900
Phone: 850-245-0900